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Natural Soap

The Wellness Shop

Here are a few of our favorite products and resources to help heal burn out, relax, and give yourself the self-care you deserve!

Books to feed your soul

I am a lover of personal development books, so these here are really only a select few out of my favorites but they're all so good in their unique ways. If you only have time to read 10 pages a night, choose them to be from one of these books!

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Everything is Figuroutable
Marie Forleo

Feeling stuck or unsure how to get what you want out of this life? This book will help you unblock yourself and realize you can literally figure anything out. 
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High Performance Habits
Brendan Burchard

If you're looking for the habits you need in your life to achieve long term success, this is the book to read. 

How are you, Really
Jenna Kutcher

How often do we ask how people are without getting an honest response? In this book Jenna Kutcher teaches us how to take control over our lives and create the life we deserve. 
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Young Forever
Mark Hyman, MD

My absolute favorite doctor to follow, this book is perfect for those of you interested in longevity and optimal health.
The Power of One More
Ed Mylett

What would you do if you were just one more day, one call, one opportunity away from achieving everything you ever wanted? In this book, Ed Mylett shows us just how close we are to the life of our dreams. 
Matthew McC
While yes, this is a memoir, it provides so many life lessons about honoring the "red lights" in life and appreciating the green ones. 
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Health and Wellness

These are products I use daily and SWEAR by. I very rarely commit to doing powders but habitually now I have the Athletic Greens and Vital Proteins right when I wake up. I'm a mom with two under two, I spend my days entertaining my littles, caring for them 100% of the time, running my household and running Tools to Teach. I have very little time and limited energy. Athletic Greens has noticeably helped with my energy levels. It's a bit of a pricey monthly commitment, but when I think about how I would stop daily for a coffee, it's actually cheaper than that. The Vital Proteins has dramatically helped with my postpartum hair loss, and the LMNT packets helps with electrolyte depletion. We are all busy--these three products give you the support you need to thrive throughout your day rather than just survive it. 

Athletic Greens
Containing 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole-food sourced ingredients. One scoop of AG1 gives you all the nutrients you need in a day!
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Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides
Collagen helps with skin and hair health, joint health, and bone strength. You can throw this powder in anything--I put it in my coffee!
These packets help with hydration, something most of us struggle with. Many people don't realize that electrolytes drive energy levels, so this is the perfect boost you need to optimize your energy throughout the day!
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I own and use all of these pretty regularly. Remember, when it comes to self-care, sometimes doing something for 5 minutes can really increase your energy levels, make you feel calmer, and provide a different outlook. Everyone can give themselves 5 minutes a day to do something for themselves. 

Nekteck Shiatsu Neck and Back Massager 
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This is literal heaven. You can control the intensity of the massage and it emits heat. Perfect for the last twenty minutes of your day when you're winding down reading a book. 
HoMedics Shiatsu Air 2.0 Foot Massager
Okay, this is a bit pricier but don't you love the massage portion of a pedicure? Imagine getting a foot rub like that every night. That's what this does. It's a little bit of an investment, but a worthwhile one!
Vanity Planet Facial Steamer
I use this almost every night after I wash my face and it feels like I getting a spa treatment every single night. I also feel like it wakes me up a little bit, which is good when I'm trying to rally to spend some time with my husband!
Barefoot Dreams Socks
Sometimes after a long day of teaching, putting on a nice, soft pair of socks feels like heaven. These socks do just that. 
BAIMEI Jade Roller and Gua Sha
I'm never 100% confident that I use these correctly but nevertheless, they've become part of my nightly routine. They're meant to brighten complexion, reduce puffiness, help with lymphatic drainage and promote blood circulation.
Dr. Teal's Epsom Salt Soaking Solution
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I say I'm going to take a bath to decompress way more than I actually do but when I do carve out that time, I use the Dr. Teal's Lavender Epsom Salts--they relax your muscles and the lavender is calming. Perfect for right before bedtime!
Click images for links!


I live for podcasts and while I rotate about 20 different ones throughout my week, there are the ones I never miss. I put them on when I get ready, every time I'm in the car, at the playground, on a walk, any free chance I get!

The Ed Mylett Show

Heal Squad x Maria Menunos

On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Dear Gabby Podcast (Gabby Bernstein)

The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes

The Goal Digger Podcast (Jenna Kutcher)
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