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I'm so happy you're here...

If you're anything like me, you are always looking to form better connections with your students because you know that's what ultimately will allow your students to perform better in your class. 

It doesn't matter if you're a veteran teacher or a complete newbie, we're all in the same boat: we want to create and maintain the best classroom culture possible. We know that a solid relationship with our students will make learning easier, the year more fun, and your purpose of making a difference much more achievable. So we plan and we create and we spend endless hours on the internet looking at what other teachers are doing and how we can create these moments throughout the entire year.

Tools to Teach was created with this idea in mind and I wholeheartedly believe what you'll find on this site through our course offerings, community, blog, and various tools will help you achieve your goals in the classroom. Wrangling pre-teens and teenagers isn't an easy feat, but it is possible and when you successfully form bonds with students of this age bracket it truly is one of the most fulfilling, heart-warming, beautiful experiences you will have. Trust me on this one. 

So take a look at the blog and our social accounts. We're in the process of revamping our course offerings, so make sure you sign up to be a Tools to Teach Insider below so you'll know when our new and improved courses are ready for you. We'd love to have you in our Tools to Teach family, because teaching can feel lonely at times, but it doesn't have to be!


Sign up here and we'll send you updates about enrollment and our 5 Easy Steps to Deepen your Student Relationships Freebie!

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"You have helped me gain confidence I would have never been able to find in myself. You have consistently given me reasons to believe that I am worthy of something more, something important. Your words of encouragement have always motivated me to fight harder and longer, for not only myself but for you as well. I want nothing more than to make the both of us proud."
- Grace L.  
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